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My Back Pain Coach Review — Does it Really Work?

Writer's picture: kompasdmc alikompasdmc ali

The concept which Back Pain Relief 4 Life program sells is not very new. In the past, other writers have also dedicated time and resources to develop answers to back aches, spasms and other back problems. However, none is as painless, low-priced, and hustle-free as Ian Hart’s program. It uses videos as its primary training system. The author believes in visualizing concepts which makes it easier to follow along when executing the recommendations that he has for you. Besides, his training won’t require any prior medical expertise or professional assistance to get you started.

Unlike other guides, My Back Pain Coach targets the root cause of the back discomforts and jumps straight into providing a relief for it. The author neatly presents the concept of muscle imbalance which sadly is very complicated to overcome once it sets in. His work deviates from the common approach which most healthcare professionals take when managing this problem. Instead, he offers a lifetime criterion that requires only a few minutes to execute and eight simple movement exercises.

These exercises target the upper and lower back muscles which accumulate bio-chemicals after years of stretching and straining. In turn, this pressure lowers transportation of essential nutrients to back organs. It makes them weak and unable to handle normal muscular movements. Therefore, undertaking the eight procedures provided will not only expel the pain but also prevent it from recurring. In other words, My Back Pain Coach program is ground-up approach to fixing back problems comprehensively.

About Ian Hart, the Author

Ian Hart is by profession a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has also in the past held important sporting positions as a coach and a basketball player. His inspiration to develop the Back Pain Relief 4 Life program sources from his own predicament after suffering from back problems for almost a decade. He shares the life-changing story on his website as he introduces the therapy which saw him recover fully and resume his hobby.

In his story, he reveals that like many other sufferers, he had also tried all the available pain medical techniques including acupuncture, massage, yoga, and chiropractic. Nonetheless, he abandoned that line of management methods when his doctors finally suggested surgery. Luckily, in his painful journey he met a man, he refers to as Bojan, who forever changed his life. He shares that it was the Serbian national who guided him through the pain alleviating procedures. After recovering, he felt that he had a duty of care to anyone who had suffered a similar fate. It was then that the idea of My Back Pain Coach was born.

Ian further discloses that Bojan held a master’s degree in Exercise Science at the time he met him. In fact, he was part of the coaching staff at the Serbian National Team Soccer and a respectable member at the university where he was also a lecturer. In his program, Ian borrows heavily from Boyan’s understanding of pain process in the body. Just like his mentor, he shares that he’d also like his readers to have a painless experience. This involves forcing the body to adopt its natural healing mechanism in handling pain. He is passionate, considerate, and above all a man who believes in alternative but inexpensive ways of fighting back pains.

How My Back Pain Coach Program Works?

The amazing program largely borrows from Boyan’s deeper understanding of the human anatomy. In his presentation, the author shares eight body movements which he believes will restore the much-needed balance to the muscles. Surprisingly, the whole procedure takes roughly several minutes with the only requirements being a towel/pillow to rest your head and a chair. Also, you don’t need any prior medical expertise to benefit.

Here’s how My Back Pain Coach works:

The first exercise in the program involves stimulating the affected or imbalanced muscle. Through this, the dormant back parts are prepared for relaxation and consequent relief. The second and the third exercises then relieve the tension in the muscles which is responsible for the painful sensation on the back organs. It does this through expulsion of old blood and tissues. The fourth stretch allows new blood, nutrients, and oxygen to flood in. This triggers generation of new energy from the now relaxed muscles.

For the fifth exercise, the body begins to demand for more air and thus users feel the urge to exhale deeply. Here, muscle balance begins taking toll on the body. For the sixth exercise, the spine is restored to its original and painless position. The seventh and eighth steps of the program are aimed at habituating your back organs to adopt the pain-free positions whenever the muscle tension period passes. And as mentioned earlier, mastering the process is very easy since the author presents it in video form.

What My Back Pain Coach Program Includes

  • 8-movement exercises

These form the primary component of the package. The author has presents them in a video format which runs for about half an hour. For users who are unable to follow up the video, Ian has included an additional printable diagrammatic representation of the eight exercises. This allows you to carry the manual anywhere you plan to execute the lessons.

  • Nine coaching video sessions

If you’d like to learn exactly how the program works, the author has in the package nine coaching video sessions. Here, he shares with readers the underlying specifics and principles which his program operates on. Its purpose is to give you a deeper insight on how to tap into the power of his instructions. For instance, he reveals top mistakes which patients make thus worsening their situation. Each video runs for about 30-minutes.

  • One-on-one coaching

For users who want private consultations, ordering Back Pain Relief 4 Life gives them exclusive and direct reach to the author. You can use the opportunity to seek clarifications on the issues which you have difficulties understanding. Also, it allows the author and his team to monitor your progress by giving you a platform to share your experience. This applies to users who have recurring pains or issues that they are unable to resolve by following the guide.

Pros and Cons of My Back Pain Coach


  • High-quality videos

This package comes with numerous videos which are all presented in high-definition video formats. Besides, all have practical expositions and are neatly presented by the author himself.

  • Applicable

Most of the concepts which the program brings out are relatable and apply in real-life. We all know back pains are common across all age groups. Again, all the techniques which the author shares have a firm and verifiable scientific explanation. It’s difficult to discredit the author without causing controversy.

  • Easy to execute

Ian’s instructions target everyone with a spine. That is to say, his videos will work for anyone who’s serious about the program. The exercises are not difficult to carry out and also don’t involve any workout expertise whatsoever.

  • Money back guarantee

Ian offers to refund any buyer of My Back Pain Coach who feels he/she doesn’t benefit from the program at all. It’s rare to find such confidence in one’s work. But then again, Ian is an expert and has thousands of happy customers sharing testimonials all over his website.


  • Program comes with very few written manuals

This might inconvenience users without video players from following the program.

  • Few bonuses

Users would expect several free videos to go alongside the main copy of the Back Pain Relief 4 Life.

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